RES Architectural Sales INC
Glazed Thin Brick Pittsburgh, PA
Thin Brick
Thin Brick is a newer product that is being offered throughout the brick industry. Traditional brick is
thick, bulky and very heavy! This makes it very difficult, for homeowners, who want to accent a wall with brick.
Our Thin Brick is typically ½” thick (can be made 1”) and is a lot easier to handle and haul. This new type of brick is only a fraction of the weight of a full size brick.
Thin Brick can be used in different places, not possible before because of its lighter weight and fractional thickness. It can be applied on any normal interior or exterior wall. The great thing is, it does not need a footer ledge, so it can be used in many new places. Thin Brick can be applied by the traditional scratch coat method or on a new, innovative, paneling system (RES recommends the BrickFast system) These systems make it possible for anyone, from homeowners to masons, to apply the brick.
This new type of brick is being applied to a wide range of projects from interior decorative walls, exterior gabbles, to high rise commercial buildings. Do not make the mistake of thinking this is a faux or fake brick, because it is made from the same materials and in the same process as full size brick. It’s just THIN!